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Making new friends, discovering new ways of living and developing me… How a trip to Japan changed my life.
People say that the first step of a journey is the hardest, but for me the first step was easy. The day I discovered I hadn’t got into the university that I wanted was the day I booked a flight ticket to Japan, a country that had always fascinated me. I got my ticket and had only a short time to prepare, which was probably a good thing.

Then came the hard part… Telling my family and friends that their shy, scared, socially awkward daughter / friend had decided to spend three months on the other side of the world, alone!

Sitting on the plane a month later it was getting even harder. I had never travelled alone, ever, I hadn’t even lived alone and now I had to survive, alone, on the other side of the world. I didn’t speak the language, I knew very little about Japanese culture and my English, which would probably be my bridge, was limited to survival needs and basic communication only.

Once you’ve boarded the plane it’s real and there is no escape. It’s scary but you can do it and you will grow as a person. If I was able to, anyone can. I hate going out, I don’t like speaking to new people, I’m scared of flying and I always get lost. Not the perfect credentials but you don’t have to be perfect to take an overseas trip. In fact, those with only a desire and plenty of room to grow are probably the best candidates.